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Easy distributed analytics with Irmin 1.0

By Thomas Gazagnaire - 2017-03-06

I am really happy to announce the release of Irmin 1.0, which fully supports MirageOS 3.0 and which brings a simpler and yet more expressive API. Irmin is a library for designing Git-like distributed databases, with built-in branching, snapshoting, reverting and auditing capabilities. With Irmin, applications can create tailored mergeable datastructures to scale seamlessly. Applications built on top of Irmin include Tezos, a distributed ledger, Datakit, a distributed and reactive key-value store, and cuekeeper, a web-based GTD system. Read "Introducing Irmin: Git-like distributed, branchable storage" for a description of the concepts and high-level architecture of the system.

To install Irmin 1.0:

opam install irmin

The running example in this post will be an imaginary model for collecting distributed metrics (for instance to count network packets). In this model, every node has a unique ID, and uses Irmin to store metrics names and counters. Every node is also a distributed collector and can sync with the metrics of other nodes at various points in time. Users of the application can read metrics for the network from any node. We want the metrics to be eventually consistent.

This post will describe:

  • how to define the metrics as a mergeable data-structures;
  • how to create a new Irmin store with the metrics, the basic operations that are available and how to define atomic operations; and
  • how to create and merge branches.

Mergeable Contents

Irmin now exposes Irmin.Type to create new mergeable contents more easily. For instance, the following type defines the property of simple metrics, where name is a human-readable name and gauge is a metric counting the number of occurences for some kind of event:

type metric = {
  name : string;
  gauge: int64;

First of all, we need to reflect the structure of the type, to automatically derive serialization (to and from JSON, binary encoding, etc) functions:

let metric_t =
  let open Irmin.Type in
  record "metric" (fun name gauge -> { name; gauge })
  |+ field "name"  string (fun t -> t.name)
  |+ field "gauge" int64    (fun t -> t.gauge)
  |> sealr

record is used to describe a new (empty) record with a name and a constructor; field describes record fields with a name a type and an accessor function while |+ is used to stack fields into the record. Finally |> sealr seals the record, e.g. once applied no more fields can be added to it.

All of the types in Irmin have such a description, so they can be easily and efficiently serialized (to disk and/or over the network). For instance, to print a value of type metric as a JSON object, one can do:

let print m = Fmt.pr "%a\\n%!" (Irmin.Type.pp_json metric_t) m

Once this is defined, we now need to write the merge function. The consistency model that we want to define is the following:

  • name : can change if there is no conflicts between branches.

  • gauge: the number of events seen on a branch. Can be updated either by incrementing the number (because events occured) or by syncing with other nodes partial knowledge. This is very similar to conflict-free replicated datatypes and related vector-clock based algorithms. However, in Irmin we keep the actual state as simple as possible: for counters, it is a single integer -- but the user needs to provide an external 3-way merge function to be used during merges.

Similarly to the type definitions, the 3-way merge functions can defined using "merge" combinators. Merge combinators for records are not yet available (but they are planned on the roadmap), so we need to use Irmin.Merge.like to map the record definition to a pair:

let merge =
  let open Irmin.Merge in
  like metric_t (pair string counter)
    (fun x -> x.name, x.gauge)
    (fun (name, gauge) -> {name; gauge })
  |> option

The final step to define a mergeable data-structure is to wrap everything into a module satisfying the Irmin.Contents.S signature:

module Metric: Irmin.Contents.S with type t = metric = struct
  type t = metric
  let t = metric_t
  let merge = merge
  let pp = Irmin.Type.pp_json metric_t
  let of_string s =
    Irmin.Type.decode_json metric_t (Jsonm.decoder (`String s))

Creating an Irmin Store

To create a key/value store to store metrics, using the on-disk Git format:

module Store = Irmin_unix.Git.FS.KV(Metric)
let config = Irmin_git.config "/tmp/irmin"
let info fmt = Irmin_unix.info ~author:"Thomas" fmt

Store exposes various functions to create and manipulate Irmin stores. config is used to configure Irmin repositories based on Store. In that example we decided to keep the store state in "/tmp/irmin" (which can be inspected using the usual Git tools). info is the function used to create new commit information: Irmin_unix.info use the usual POSIX clock for timestamps, and can also be tweaked to specify the author name.

The most common functions to create an Irmin store are Store.Repo.create to create an Irmin repository and Store.master to get a handler on the master branch in that repository. For instance, using the OCaml toplevel:

# open Lwt.Infix;;

# let repo = Store.Repo.v config;;
val repo : Store.Repo.t Lwt.t = <abstr>
# let master = repo >>= fun repo -> Store.master repo;;
val master : Store.t Lwt.t = <abstr>

Store also exposes the usual key/value base operations using find and set. All the operations are reflected as Git state.

  Lwt_main.run begin
      Store.Repo.v config >>= Store.master >>= fun master ->
      Store.set master
        ~info:(info "Creating a new metric")
        ["vm"; "writes"] { name = "write Kb/s"; gauge = 0L }
      >>= fun () ->
      Store.get master ["vm"; "writes"] >|= fun m ->
      assert (m.gauge = 0L);

Note that Store.set is atomic: the implementation ensures that no data is ever lost, and if someone else is writing on the same path at the same, the operation is retried until it succeeds (see optimistic transaction control). More complex atomic operations are also possible: the API also exposes function to read and write subtrees (simply called trees) instead of single values. Trees are very efficient: they are immutable so all the reads are cached in memory and done only when really needed; and write on disk are only done the final transaction is commited. Trees are also stored very efficiently in memory and on-disk as they are deduplicated. For users of previous releases of Irmin: trees replaces the concept of views, but have a very implementation and usage.

An example of a tree transaction is a custom-defined move function:

let move t src dst =
  Store.with_tree t
    ~info:(info "Moving %a to %a" Store.Key.pp src Store.Key.pp dst)
    [] (fun tree ->
          let tree = match tree with
            | None -> Store.Tree.empty
            | Some tree -> tree
          Store.Tree.get_tree tree src >>= fun v ->
          Store.Tree.remove tree src >>= fun _ ->
          Store.Tree.add_tree tree dst v >>= Lwt.return_some

Creating and Merging Branches

They are two kinds of stores in Irmin: permanent and temporary ones. In Git-speak, these are "branches" and "detached heads". Permanent stores are created from branch names using Store.of_branch (Store.master being an alias to Store.of_branch Store.Branch.master) while temporary stores are created from commit using Store.of_commit.

The following example show how to clone the master branch, how to make concurrent update to both branches, and how to merge them back.

First, let's define an helper function to increment the /vm/writes gauge in a store t, using a transaction:

let incr t =
  let path = ["vm"; "writes"] in
  Store.with_tree ~info:(info "New write event") t path (fun tree ->
      let tree = match tree with
        | None -> Store.Tree.empty
        | Some tree -> tree
      (Store.Tree.find tree [] >|= function
        | None   -> { name = "writes in kb/s"; gauge = 0L }
        | Some x -> { x with gauge = Int64.succ x.gauge })
      >>= fun m ->
      Store.Tree.add tree [] m
      >>= Lwt.return_some

Then, the following program create an empty gauge on master, increment the metrics, then create a tmp branch by cloning master. It then performs two increments in parallel in both branches, and finally merge tmp back into master. The result is a gauge which have been incremented three times in total: the "counter" merge function ensures that the result counter is consistent: see KC's blog post for more details about the semantic of recursive merges.

let () =
  Lwt_main.run begin
    Store.Repo.v config >>= Store.master >>= fun master -> (* guage 0 *)
    incr master >>= fun () -> (* gauge = 1 *)
    Store.clone ~src:master ~dst:"tmp" >>= fun tmp ->
    incr master >>= fun () -> (* gauge = 2 on master *)
    incr tmp    >>= fun () -> (* gauge = 2 on tmp *)
    Store.merge ~info:(info "Merge tmp into master") tmp ~into:master
    >>= function
    | Error (`Conflict e) -> failwith e
    | Ok () ->
      Store.get master ["vm"; "writes"] >|= fun m ->
      Fmt.pr "Gauge is %Ld\\n%!" m.gauge


Irmin 1.0 is out. Defining new mergeable contents is now simpler. The Irmin API to create stores as also been simplified, as well as operations to read and write atomically. Finally, flexible first-class support for immutable trees has also been added.

Send us feedback on the MirageOS mailing-list or on the Irmin issue tracker on GitHub.