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Error Handling in Mirage3

By Thomas Gazagnaire - 2017-02-23

Error Handling in Mirage3

After more than two years of discussion, we finally agreed and decided which consistent error scheme will be used for Mirage3. This blog post describes how library developers are supposed to expose errors and how users could handle them.


POSIX and C generally make for very poor error handling: the information reported to the user is just a small number stored in errno and errors are easily ignored accidentally.

With Mirage, we have the opportunity to provide something much better. OCaml's structured types and exceptions can provide rich diagnostic information that is readable to humans and to machines, and its exhaustiveness checks mean we can force callers to consider errors where necessary.

There are three main aspects to consider:

  • Providing diagnostic information to humans.
  • Allowing programs to detect and handle certain errors specially.
  • Indicating failure in order to abort or roll back the current operation.

Note that the last two points are very different. Exceptions can be thrown at any point in an OCaml program and robust code must be prepared to handle this. In particular, this (fictional) code is wrong:

  let gntref = Gntshr.get () in
  match_lwt f gntref with
  | `Ok () -> Gntshr.put gntref; return (`Ok ())
  | `Error _ as e -> Gntshr.put gntref; return e

If f throws an exception, the grant ref will be leaked. The correct pattern is:

  Gntshr.with_ref f

This will release the resource whether f returns success, returns an error code or raises an exception.

Errors vs. Exceptions

Real World OCaml's Chapter 7. Error Handling provides an excellent overview of the options for handling errors in OCaml. It finishes with this good advice:

To be clear, it doesn't make sense to avoid exceptions entirely. The maxim of "use exceptions for exceptional conditions" applies. If an error occurs sufficiently rarely, then throwing an exception is often the right behavior.

Also, for errors that are omnipresent, error-aware return types may be overkill. A good example is out-of-memory errors, which can occur anywhere, and so you'd need to use error-aware return types everywhere to capture those. Having every operation marked as one that might fail is no more explicit than having none of them marked.

In short, for errors that are a foreseeable and ordinary part of the execution of your production code and that are not omnipresent, error-aware return types are typically the right solution.

In the case of Mirage, it is typically the case that every operation may fail and that, since the interfaces are abstract, we cannot know all the ways they may fail. This seems like a good argument for using exceptions.

However, we still want to use explicit variants for expected (non-exceptional) cases that callers will probably want to handle. For example, KV_RO's Unknown_key case is something code will often want to use, e.g. to provide a default value. This shouldn't even be considered an error.

Errors and Results

Since 4.03, the OCaml standard library has introduced the result type:

type ('a, 'b) result = Ok of 'a | Error of 'b

A few useful libraries have also been released with useful combinators on result values, including Daniel Bünzli's Rresult and Simon Cruanes's Lwt_result.

In Mirage3, all the base components define an abstract error type, a pp_error function to print these errors, and all the functions which can fail return a result value. For instance, Mirage_block_lwt defines a read operation as follows:

module type S = sig
  type error
  val pp_error: error Fmt.t
  val read: t -> int64 -> Cstruct.t list -> (unit, error) result Lwt.t

To combine multiple reads, while propagating read errors to the caller, one can do:

open Lwt_result.Infix (* Note here that we do not open [Lwt.Infix] *)

module F (B: Mirage_block_lwt.S) = struct
  let read_twice t n bufs =
    B.read t n bufs >>= fun () ->
    B.read t n bufs

The base components can, when needed, also define more types as long and their pretty-printer if also provided: Mirage_block_lwt also defines a write_error type and a pp_write_error function.

Errors and Abstraction

So far, we did not mention how abstract the errors should be. Most of the time, it will not really matter, as the most common handling of errors is to print them (using the provided pp_error function), or to check whether the operation was successful (e.g. that the result is Ok). In these cases, having an abstract error is perfectly fine.

However, there are some cases where it is important to know what the error was in order to take the proper action. In this case we want something but want something not fully abstract: welcome to private row types. The manual says:

Private row types are type abbreviations where part of the structure of the type is left abstract.

For instance, the block Mirage_block_lwt actually defines the error type as a subset of the error cases which could happen when creating a new block device:

module type S = sig
  type error = private [> `Unimplemented | `Disconnected]

The private and > signs mean that an implementation of the Mirage3 block device is allowed to define an error type with more values. But when this implementation is used in the context of a Mirage3 block device, all these other cases become abstract and it is not possible to pattern-match on these errors anymore.

For instance, the error type for Unix filesystem devices is defined as follows:

type fs_error = [
  | `Unix_error of Unix.error
  | `Unix_errorno of int
  | `Negative_bytes
type error = [ Mirage_fs.error | fs_error ]

include Mirage_fs_lwt.S with type error := error

The last line says that Mirage_fs_unix satisfies the Mirage_fs_lwt.S signature but also exposes a concrete error type. Users of Mirage_fs_unix can then pattern-match on the exact concrete error (for instance, to do something useful when a Unix_error is raised) -- used in the context of MirageOS, only the cases defined in Mirage_fs.error will be visible to the user. We strongly advocate using the same approach in your libraries, as it brings the flexibility of using concrete types vs. proper abstraction through composition.


Mirage3 uses the result type pervasively, requires libraries to provide pretty-printer for their error types and recommends using private row types when abstract error types are not enough.